Monday, April 30, 2012

Empires and Generals

Check out my first game!

Empires and Generals


  1. Man your game's really cool! I'd like to do some constructive criticism, though. In my opinion, the cards would be a lot more attractive if the typography was more "historic" in flavor. Something with serif, maybe. Also, some of the pictures suffer from posterization or low resolution, is this on purpose to avoid copyright issues or could it be mended? Otherwise, I think the game is pretty awesome, the theme and pictures kinda convey a cool atmosphere :) Keep going mate!

  2. hey thanks!

    i suffer from a couple of issues of "beta" web-hosting.

    oh i am not a code monkey by any stretch of the imagination. i'm only that crazy artist guy that makes stuff, so i made the website on a site that only offers some basic fonts.

    ind yes, you guessed it... all that art required some hunting. obviously the french masters of the baroque period painted some masterpieces of certain situations but probably none of them ever thought they would be reduced to such a low medium. haha.

    so since not every situation has a statue or a painting left over from actual history, i am happy to get what i can.

    my mind is actually on one hun card that is an actual photograph of two guys dressed up in authentic hun clothing. greeeeeat photo but that was the best res of that art that i found.

    i plan on having more and more artists submit to the site. you can find that info on that here:
